
About This Animal

  1. Koalas Aren't Bears: Even though people call them "koala bears," they are actually marsupials, like kangaroos.
  2. Eucalyptus Lovers: Koalas eat mainly eucalyptus leaves, and they can eat up to 1 kilogram of leaves in a single day!
  3. Sleepyheads: Koalas sleep up to 18–22 hours a day because their food doesn’t give them much energy.
  4. Pouch for Babies: Female koalas have a pouch on their belly, where their babies, called joeys, live and grow for about six months.
  5. Slow Movers: Koalas are known for being slow and calm, but they can move quickly and jump between branches if necessary.
  6. Excellent Climbers: They have strong hands and sharp claws to help them climb trees.
  7. Unique Fingerprints: Just like humans, koalas have unique fingerprints!
  8. Lives Up High: Koalas spend most of their lives high up in the trees, only coming down when they need to change trees.
  9. Australia Only: You can only find wild koalas in Australia, where they live in forests and woodlands.
  10. Soft and Fluffy Fur: Koalas look cute and cuddly, and their thick fur helps keep them warm.